Tag Archives: HIP HOP. MUSIC

Hip Hop Inspiration

Hip Hop

Giving the chance we can all excel beyond our capabilities, we can hurdle great distances in a single bound and transport our minds and souls to far and away worlds. Your creativity holds the key to your escapism from this dreaded land of wasteful energy. Your essence seeks to be uplifted and uphold to the highest, for with-in each of us there lays the power and knowledge to aspire and achieve.

Hip Hop can be all things to many peeps, we can provide an essential part in this. The Spoken Word has the foundation to reach and inspire through the arts, elevation by way of knowledge and information, entertain from the soul for God has giving us the ability, our gifts form God is his gifts to the world.

We are the Hip Hop generation it courses through us and flows with-in us like our blood. We don’t have to define our art as Hip Hop because it already is. Hip Hop is the culture we live by, the music the fashion, the way we speak, it’s our statement to the world, young hip trending. Hip-hop is the new Be Bop!

It has infiltrated society in numerous ways, the cohesive element that brings all genres together in one unifying word. Hip Hop to me, is my way of life.  Hip Hop is my essence!

Onemusic, Guiliano Lincoln © 2006

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